Summary and Setup
This lesson is created using The Carpentries Workbench and is based on Introduction to High-Performance Compting. It has been customised to fit users of WEHI Milton.
Some of the examples used in this lesson are based on material developed by Lev Lafayette from Research Platform Services at the University of Melbourne.
This course is for scientists who have no experience with high performance computing (HPC) and want to learn how to start using WEHI HPC, Milton. The course teaches basics of interacting with HPC and what it means to use a batch system (scheduling system) like SLURM. Scientists will learn how to login into Milton, prepare their scripts and submit jobs. It will also cover, estimating resources and job efficiency.
This course will be delivered mostly using live-coding demonstrations and exercises. The entire workshop is delivered in approximately 3 1-hour chunks with breaks in between.
This course is maintained by WEHI Research computing
- Julie Iskander @jIskCoder
- Edward Yang @edoyango
- Michael Milton @multimeric
Course Prerequisites
- Attending Introduction to Linux workshop or watching recording that will be available here
- Read this page as a refresher to Linux commands
- Access to Milton is required and can be done by sending email to
Excercise Sets
Copy exercise files to your directory
cd <dir>
cp -r /stornext/System/data/apps/sample-scripts/Workshop-IntroToHPC-Slurm .
Software Setup
To follow this course you will need access to Milton and a terminal application. You can request access, if you do not already have via sending an email to
Use Terminal