Content from What is a HPC?

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 15 minutes



  • Why would I be interested in High Performance Computing (HPC)?


  • Describe what an HPC system is
  • Identify how an HPC system could benefit you.


Open the Introduction Slides in a new tab for an introduction to the course and Research Computing.

Defining common terms

What is cluster computing?

Cluster computing refers to two or more computers that are networked together to provide solutions as required.

A cluster of computers joins computational powers of the individual computers (called “compute nodes”) to provide a more combined computational power.

Cluster Computing by Trevor Dsouza from Noun Project
Cluster Computing by Trevor Dsouza from Noun Project

What is a HPC cluster?

HPC stands for High Performance Computing, which is the ability to process data and perform complex calculations at high speeds.

In its simplest structure, HPC clusters are intended to utilize parallel processors to apply more computing force to solve a problem. HPC clusters are a kind of compute clusters that typically have a large number of compute nodes, which share a file system designed for parallel reading and writing, and use a high-speed network for communication with each other.

What is a supercomputer?

Supercomputer used to refer to any single computer system that has exceptional processing power for its time. But recently, it refers to the best-known types of HPC solutions. A supercomputer contains thousands of compute nodes that work together to complete one or more tasks in parallel.


supercomputers and high-performance computers are often used interchangeably.

How is supercomputing performance measured?

The most popular benchmark is the LINPACK benchmark which is used for the TOP500. The LINPACK benchmark reflect the performance of a dedicated system for solving a dense system of linear equations. It uses the number of floating point operations per second (FLOPS) as the metric. The GREEN500 ranking has also risen in popularity as it ranks HPC systems based on FLOPS per Watt of power (higher the better).

When to use a HPC cluster?

Frequently, research problems that use computing can outgrow the capabilities of the desktop or laptop computer where they started, such as the following examples

  • A statistics student wants to cross-validate a model. This involves running the model 1000 times – but each run takes an hour. Running the model on a laptop will take over a month! In this research problem, final results are calculated after all 1000 models have run, but typically only one model is run at a time (in serial) on the laptop. Since each of the 1000 runs is independent of all others, and given enough computers, it’s theoretically possible to run them all at once (in parallel).
  • A genomics researcher has been using small datasets of sequence data, but soon will be receiving a new type of sequencing data that is 10 times as large. It’s already challenging to open the datasets on a computer – analyzing these larger datasets will probably crash it. In this research problem, the calculations required might be impossible to parallelize, but a computer with more memory would be required to analyze the much larger future data set.

In these cases, access to more (and larger) computers is needed. Those computers should be usable at the same time, solving many researchers’ problems in parallel.

Therefore, HPCs are userful when you have:

  • A program that can be recompiled or reconfigured to use optimized numerical libraries that are available on HPC systems but not on your own system;
  • You have a parallel problem, e.g. you have a single application that needs to be rerun many times with different parameters;
  • You have an application that has already been designed with parallelism;
  • To make use of the large memory available;
  • When solutions require backups for future use. HPC facilities are reliable and regularly backed up.

How to interact with HPC clusters?

Researchers usually interact with HPC clusters by connecting remotely to the HPC cluster via the Linux command line. This is because of its low cost and setup as well as most research HPC software being written for the Linux command line. Microsoft Windows HPC facilities exist, but usually serve specific niches like corporate finance.

However, graphical interfaces have become popular and have helped lower the barrier to learning how to use HPC. Open OnDemand being the most popular example of software that helps users interact with HPC graphically.

What is Milton?

In 2016, WEHI purchased an on-premise HPC cluster called Milton, Milton includes >4500-cores (2 hyperthreads per core), >60TB memory, ~ 58 GPUs, >10 petabytes of tiered-storage. All details are available here.

Milton contains a mix of Skylake, Broadwell, Icelake and Cooperlake Intel processors.

Key Points

  • Using High Performance Computing (HPC) typically involves connecting to very large computing systems that provides a high computational power.
  • These systems can be used to do work that would either be impossible or much slower on smaller systems.
  • HPC resources are shared by multiple users.
  • The resources found on independent compute nodes can vary in volume and type (amount of RAM, processor architecture, availability of shared filesystems, etc.).
  • The standard method of interacting with HPC systems is via a command line interface.

Content from Accessing Milton

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 21 minutes



  • How do I log in to Milton?
  • Where can I store my data?


  • Connect to Milton.
  • Identify where to save your data

Milton Cluster

Milton is a linux-based cluster, that is made up of two login nodes and many computer nodes in addition to the file systems.

What is a nodes made up of?

  • Physical cores
  • Memory
  • Local storage
  • Maybe GPU(s)
Node diagram
Node diagram

Connect to Milton

The first step in using a cluster is to establish a connection from your laptop to the cluster. You need a Windows Command Prompt or macOS Terminal, to connect to a login node and access the command line interface (CLI).

Exercise 1: Can you login to Milton?

If not in WEHI, make sure you are on the VPN. While on a WEHI device, open your terminal and login to vc7-shared.

More details are available here.

You will be asked for your password.

Watch out: the characters you type after the password prompt are not displayed on the screen. Normal output will resume once you press Enter.

You will notice that the prompt changed when you logged into the remote system using the terminal.

Login to vc7-shared
Login to vc7-shared

Milton File Systems

Milton File Systems
Milton File Systems
Managed Versus UnManaged File Systems
Managed Versus UnManaged File Systems

How data should be moved between file systems according to project requirements?

Case 1: Data from external collaborators and needs long term retention
Case 1: Data from external collaborators and needs long term retention

Case 2: Data from publicly available source, or with delete on-completion constraint
Case 2: Data from publicly available source, or with delete on-completion constraint

Looking Around Your Home

We will now revise some linux commands to look around the login node.

Exercise 2:Check the name of the current node

Get node name where you are logged into


$ hostname


So, we’re definitely on the remote machine.

Exercise 3: Find out which directory we are in.

Run pwd (print the working directory.)





Instead of <username>, your username will appear. This is your HOME directory ($HOME)

Exercise 4: List all files and folders in your Home directory



will print a list of files/directories in the directory.

Exercise 5: Copy Exercise examples to your vast scratch or home directory

copy exercise examples from /stornext/System/data/apps/sample-scripts/Workshop-IntroToHPC-Slurm to current directory,


cd <dir>
cp -r  /stornext/System/data/apps/sample-scripts/Workshop-IntroToHPC-Slurm .

Exercise 6: Disconnect your session






For more on Linux commands, visit our guide or watch the recording of the workshops here

Key Points

  • HPC systems typically provide login nodes and a set of compute nodes.
  • Files saved on one node are available on all nodes.
  • Milton has multiple different file systems that have different policies and characteristics.
  • Throughout a research project, research data may move between file systems according to backup and retention requirements, and to improve performance.

Content from Environment Modules

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 17 minutes



  • How do we load and unload software packages?


  • Load and use a software package.
  • Explain how the shell environment changes when the module mechanism loads or unloads packages.

On Milton, many softwares are installed but need to be loaded before you can run it.

Why do we need Environment Modules?

  • software incompatibilities
  • versioning
  • dependencies

Software incompatibility is a major headache for programmers. Sometimes the presence (or absence) of a software package will break others that depend on it.

Two of the most famous examples are Python 2 and 3 and C compiler versions. Python 3 famously provides a python command that conflicts with that provided by Python 2. Software compiled against a newer version of the C libraries and then used when they are not present will result in errors.

Software versioning is another common issue. A team might depend on a certain package version for their research project - if the software version was to change (for instance, if a package was updated), it might affect their results. Having access to multiple software versions allow a set of researchers to prevent software versioning issues from affecting their results.

Dependencies are where a particular software package (or even a particular version) depends on having access to another software package (or even a particular version of another software package).

Environment modules are the solution to these problems. A module is a self-contained description of a software package – it contains the settings required to run a software package and, usually, encodes required dependencies on other software packages. HPC facilities will often have their own optimised versions of some software, so modules also make it easier to use these versions.

module command

The module command is used to interact with environment modules. An additional subcommand is usually added to the command to specify what you want to do. For a list of subcommands you can use module -h or module help. As for all commands, you can access the full help on the man pages with man module.

Listing Available Modules

To see available software modules, use module avail:


module avail


------------------------------------------ /stornext/System/data/modulefiles/tools -------------------------------------------
apptainer/1.0.0            go/1.19.4                    mpich-slurm/3.4.1                   openmpi/4.1.1-slurm
apptainer/1.1.0            go/1.20.2                    mpich-slurm/3.4.2                   openMPI/4.1.4
aspera/3.5.4               groovy/4.0.0                 mpich/3.3                           openSSL/1.0.2r
aspera/3.9.1               gzip/1.10                    mpich/3.3.2                         openSSL/1.1.1b
aspera/3.9.6               hdf5-mpich/1.10.5_3.3        ncftp/3.2.6                         openSSL/1.1.1g
awscli/1.16py2.7           hpl/2.3                      netcdf_c/4.9.2                      openSSL/1.1.1k
awscli/1.16py3.7           icewm/2.8.0                  nextflow-tw-agent/0.5.0             openSSL/1.1.1n
awscli/1.22.89             iftop/1.0                    nextflow/22.04.5                    owncloud-client/2.3.3
awscli/2.1.25              ImageMagick/6.9.11-22        nextflow/22.10.4                    pandoc/2.14.2
awscli/2.5.2               ImageMagick/7.0.9-5          nf-core/2.7.2                       pandoc/2.19.2
axel/2.17.10               intel-ipp/2019.5.281         ninja/1.10.0                        pgsql/15.1
bazel/0.26.1               intel-mkl/2019.3.199         nmap-ncat/7.91                      pigz/2.6
bazel/1.2.1                intel-mpi/2019.3.199         nodejs/10.24.1                      pmix/2.2.5
binutils/2.35.2-gcc-4.8.5  intel-tbb/2019.3.199         nodejs/16.19.0                      pmix/3.2.3
binutils/2.35.2-gcc-9.1.0  intel_mkl_2019/2019.5.075    nodejs/17.9.1                       pmix/4.2.3
cluster-utils/18.08.1      intel_mpi_2019/2019.5.075    ocl-icd/2.3.1                       poetry/latest
cmake/3.25.1               ior-slurm/3.2.1mpich3.3      octave/6.4.0-gcc11.1.0              proj/4.9.3
CUnit/2.1-3                ior-slurm/3.2.1openMPI4.0.2  oneMKL/2022.1.0.223                 proj/6.3.2
curl/7.65.0                ior/3.2.1mpio4.0.1           openBLAS/0.3.6-gcc-9.1.0            proj/9.1.0
depot_tools/6c7b829        iozone/3.491                 openBLAS/0.3.21-gcc-11.1.0          qpdf/10.0.1
dotnet/2.1.809             julia/0.6.4                  openBLAS/0.3.21-gcc-11.1.0-skylake  quarto/1.1.189
dotnet/3.1.412             julia/1.0.1                  openBLAS/0.3.23-gcc-11.3.0          rclone/1.55.0
dotnet/6.0.408             julia/1.5.3                  openCV/                     rstudio_singularity/1.0.0
doublecmd/0.9.10.gtk2      julia/1.8.5                  openCV/4.2.0                        slurm-contribs/20.11.5
dua-cli/2.17.8             libaio/0.3.111               openjdk/1.8.0                       snakemake/7.12.0
dua-cli/2.19.0             libiconv/1.16                openjdk/13.0.2                      sqlite/3.38.5
duckdb/0.6.1               lz4/1.9.3                    openjdk/14.0.2                      sqlite/3.40.0
elbencho/1.7-1cu10.1       mariadb-client/10.11.2       openjdk/15.0.2                      sqlite/3.40.1
evince/3.28.2              mariadb-connector-c/3.1.11   openjdk/16.0.1                      stornext/1.1
feh/3.6.3                  mariadb-connector-c/3.3.4    openjdk/17.0.2                      stubl/0.0.10
fftw/3.3.9                 maven/3.3.9                  openjdk/18.0.2                      tar/1.34
fio/3.16                   maven/3.9.1                  openMPI-slurm/4.1.0                 tcpdump/4.9.2

Listing Currently Loaded Modules

You can use the module list command to see which modules you currently have loaded in your environment. If you have no modules loaded, you will see a message telling you so


module list


No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

Loading and Unloading Software

To load a software module, use module load. In this example we will use Python 3.

Initially, Python 3 is not loaded. We can test this by using the which command. which looks for programs the same way that Bash does, so we can use it to tell us where a particular piece of software is stored.


which python3




python3 --version


Python 3.6.8

We can look at the available python modules on Milton


module avail python


---------------------------------------- /stornext/System/data/modulefiles/bioinf/its ----------------------------------------
python/2.7.18  python/3.5.3        python/3.7.0   python/3.8.3  python/3.9.5   python/3.11.2
python/3.5.1   python/3.6.5-intel  python/3.7.13  python/3.8.8  python/3.10.4

Now, we can load the python 3.11.2 command with module load:


module load python/3.11.2
python3 --version


Python 3.11.2

Using module unload “un-loads” a module along with its dependencies. If we wanted to unload everything at once, we could run module purge (unloads everything).

Now, if you already have a Python module loaded, and you try to load a different version of Python 3, you will get an error.


module load python/3.8.8


Loading python/3.8.8
  ERROR: Module cannot be loaded due to a conflict.
    HINT: Might try "module unload python" first.

You will need to module switch to Python 3.8.8 instead of module load.


module switch  python/3.8.8
module list


Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) python/3.8.8

Exercise 1: What does module whatis python do?

Print information of modulefile(s)

Exercise 2: What does module show python do?

Show the changes loading the module does to your environment


module show python



module-whatis   {Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. (v3.8.8)}
conflict        python
conflict        caffe2
conflict        anaconda2
conflict        anaconda3
conflict        CUDA8/caffe2
unsetenv        PYTHONHOME
setenv          PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR /stornext/System/data/apps/python/python-3.8.8/include/python3.8
prepend-path    PATH /stornext/System/data/apps/python/python-3.8.8/bin
prepend-path    CPATH /stornext/System/data/apps/python/python-3.8.8/include/python3.8
prepend-path    MANPATH :/stornext/System/data/apps/python/python-3.8.8/share/man
prepend-path    LD_LIBRARY_PATH /stornext/System/data/apps/python/python-3.8.8/lib

What is $PATH?

$PATH is a special environment variable that controls where a UNIX system looks for software. Specifically $PATH is a list of directories (separated by :) that the OS searches through for a command before giving up and telling us it can’t find it. As with all environment variables we can print it out using echo.

When we ran the module load command, it adds a directory to the beginning of our $PATH. That is the way it “loads” software and also loads required software dependencies. The module loading process manipulates other special environment variables as well, including variables that influence where the system looks for software libraries, and sometimes variables which tell commercial software packages where to find license servers.

The module command also restores these shell environment variables to their previous state when a module is unloaded.


The login nodes are a shared resource. All users access a login node in order to check their files, submit jobs etc. If one or more users start to run computationally or I/O intensive tasks on the login node (such as forwarding of graphics, copying large files, running multicore jobs), then that will make operations difficult for everyone.

Key Points

  • Load software with module load softwareName.
  • Unload software with module unload or module purge.
  • The module system handles software versioning and package conflicts for you automatically.

Content from Lunch Break

Last updated on 2023-05-15 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 0 minutes

Take a 30-minutes lunch break.

Make sure you move around and look at something away from your screen to give your eyes a rest.

Content from Introducing Slurm

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • What is a scheduler and why does a cluster need one?
  • What is a partition?


  • Explain what is a scheduler
  • Explain how Milton’s Slurm works
  • Identify the essential options to set for a job

Job Scheduler

An HPC system might have thousands of nodes and thousands of users. A scheduler is a special piece of software that decides which jobs run where and when. It also ensures that a task is run with the resources it requested.

The following illustration compares these tasks of a job scheduler to a waiter in a restaurant. If you can relate to an instance where you had to wait for a while in a queue to get in to a popular restaurant, then you may now understand why sometimes your job do not start instantly as in your laptop.

Compare a job scheduler to a waiter in a restaurant
Compare a job scheduler to a waiter in a restaurant

Milton uses a scheduler (batch system) called Slurm. WEHI has 3500 physical cores, 44TB of memory, 58 GPUs and 90 nodes accessible by Slurm.

The user describes the work to be done and resources required in a script or at the command line, then submits the script to the batch system. The work is scheduled when resources are available and consistent with policy set by administrators.


Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management

Slurm development has been a joint effort of many companies and organizations around the world. Over 200 individuals have contributed to Slurm. Its development is lead by SchedMD. Its staff of developers and support personnel maintain the canonical Slurm releases, and are responsible for the majority of the development work for each new Slurm release. Slurm’s design is very modular with about 100 optional plugins. It is used at Spartan, Massive, Pawsey, Peter Mac and Milton, as well as HPC facilities world-wide.

Slurm architecture diagram
Slurm architecture diagram

Fair Share

A cluster is a shared environment and when there is more work than resources available, there needs to be a mechanism to resolve contention. Policies ensure that everyone has a “fair share” of the resources.

Milton uses a multifactor job priority policy. It uses nine factors that influence job priority.

It is set such that:

  • age: as the length of time a job has been waiting in the queue increases, the job priority increases.
  • job size: the more resources (CPUs, GPUs, and/or memory), the higher priority.
  • fair-share: the difference between the portion of the computing resource that has been requested and the amount of resources that has been consumed, i.e. the more resources your jobs have already used, the lower the priority of your next jobs.

In addition, no single user can have more than 8% of total CPUs or memory, which is 450 CPUs and 3TB memory.


Milton uses a back-filling algorithm to improve system utilisation and maximise job throughput.

When more resource intensive jobs are running it is possible that gaps ends up in the resource allocation. To fill these gaps a best effort is made for low-resource jobs to slot into these spaces.

For example, on an 8-core node, an 8 core job is running, a 4 core job is launched, then an 8 core job, then another 4 core job. The two 4 core jobs will run before the second 8 core job.

if we have 2 8-core nodes, we receive:

  • Job 1 request 4-cores and 5 hours limit
  • Job 2 request 8-cores and 2 hours limit
  • Job 3 request 4-cores and 4 hours limit

Without back filling, Job 2 will block the queue and Job 3 will have to wait until Job 2 is completed. With back filling, when Job 1 has been allocated and Job 2 pending for resources, Slurm will look through the queue, searching for jobs that are small enough to fill the idle node. In this example, this means that Job 3 will start before Job 2 to “back-fill” the 4 CPUs that will be available for 5 hours while Job 1 is running.

Backfilling Algorithm
Backfilling Algorithm

Slurm Partitions

Partitions in Slurm group nodes into logical (possibly overlapping) sets. A partition configuration defines job limits or access controls for a group of nodes. Slurm allocates resources to jobs within the selected partition by taking into consideration the resources you request for your job and the partition’s available resources and restrictions.

Partition Purpose Max submitted jobs/user Max CPUs/user Max mem (GB)/user Max wall time/job Max GPUs/user
interactive interactive jobs 1 16 64 24 hours 0
regular most of the batch work 5000 454 3000 48 hours 0
long long-running jobs 96 500 14-days 0
gpuq jobs that require GPUs 192 998 48 hours 8 GPUs on 2 nodes
gpuq_large jobs that require A100 GPUs 96 1000 48 hours 1 A100
bigmem jobs that require large amounts of memory 500 128 1400 48 hours 0

The main parameters to set for any job script

  • time: the maximum time for the job execution.
  • cpus: number of CPUs
  • partition: the partition in which your job is placed
  • memory: the amount of physical memory
  • special resources such as GPUs.

We will discuss this more in the next episode.

Key Points

  • The scheduler handles how compute resources are shared between users.
  • A job is just a shell script.
  • Request slightly more resources than you will need.
  • Backfilling improves system utilisation and maximises job throughput. You can take advantage of backfilling by requesting only what you need.
  • Milton Slurm has multiple partitions with different specification that fit the different types of jobs.

Content from Submitting a Job

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 47 minutes



  • How do I launch a program to run on a compute node in the cluster?
  • How do I capture the output of a program that is run on a node in the cluster?
  • How do I change resource requested or time-limit


  • Submit a simple script to the cluster.
  • Monitor the execution of jobs using command line tools.
  • Inspect the output and error files of your jobs.

Running a Batch Job

The most basic use of the scheduler is to run a command non-interactively. Any command (or series of commands) that you want to run on the cluster is called a job, and the process of using a scheduler to run the job is called batch job submission.

Basic steps are:

  • Develop a submission script, a text file of commands, to perform the work
  • Submit the script to the batch system with enough resource specification
  • Monitor your jobs
  • Check script and command output
  • Evaluate your job

In this episode, we will focus on the first 4 steps.

Preparing a job script

In this case, the job we want to run is a shell script – essentially a text file containing a list of Linux commands to be executed in a sequential manner.

Our first shell script will have three parts:

  • On the very first line, add #!/bin/bash. The #! (pronounced “hash-bang” or “shebang”) tells the computer what program is meant to process the contents of this file. In this case, we are telling it that the commands that follow are written for the command-line shell.
  • Anywhere below the first line, we’ll add an echo command with a friendly greeting. When run, the shell script will print whatever comes after echo in the terminal.
    • echo -n will print everything that follows, without ending the line by printing the new-line character.
  • On the last line, we’ll invoke the hostname command, which will print the name of the machine the script is run on.




echo -n "This script is running on "

Exercise 1: Run

Run the script. Does it execute on the cluster or just our login node?




This script is running on may change depending on which node you ssh’ed into to run the script.

This script ran on the login node, but we want to take advantage of the compute nodes, we need the scheduler to queue up to run on a compute node.

Submit a batch job

To submit this task to the scheduler, we use the sbatch command. This creates a job which will run the script when dispatched to a compute node. The queuing system identified which compute nose is available to perform the work.




Submitted batch job 11783863

And that’s all we need to do to submit a job. Our work is done – now the scheduler takes over and tries to run the job for us.

Monitor your batch job

While the job is waiting to run, it goes into a list of jobs called the queue. To check on our job’s status, we check the queue using the command squeue -u $USER.


squeue -u $USER


    11783909   regular example- iskander  R       0:06      1 sml-n02

ST is short for status and can be R (RUNNING), PD (PENDING), CA (CANCELLED), or CG (COMPLETING). If the job is stuck in pending, REASON column will reflect the reason, which can be one of the following:

  • Priority: There are higher priority jobs than yours
  • Resources: Job is waiting for resources
  • Dependency: This job is dependent on another and it is waiting for that other job to complete
  • QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit: User has used CPUs limit of partition already
  • QOSMaxMemPerUserLimit: User has used memory limit of partition already

Where’s the Output?

On the login node, this script printed output to the terminal – but now, when the job has finished, nothing was printed to the terminal. Cluster job output is typically redirected to a file in the directory you launched it from. By default, the output file is called slurm-<jobid>.out

Use ls to find and cat to read the file.

Exercise 2: Get output of running in Slurm

List files in your currrent working directory and look for a file Slurm-11783909.out, 11783909 will change according to your job id. And cat the file to see output.

What is the hostname of your job?


cat slurm-11783863.out


This script is running on

Customising a Job

The job we just ran used all of the scheduler’s default options. In a real-world scenario, that’s probably not what we want. Chances are, we will need more cores, more memory, more/less time, among other special considerations. To get access to these resources we must customize our job script.

The default parameters on Milton is 2 CPU, 10MB Ram, 48-hours time-limit and runs on the regular partition

After your job has completed, you can get details of the job using sacct command.


sacct -j 11783909 -ojobid,jobname,ncpus,reqmem,timelimit,partition -X


JobID           JobName      NCPUS     ReqMem  Timelimit  Partition
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
11783909     example-j+          2        10M 2-00:00:00    regular

We can change the resource specification of the job by two ways:

Adding extra options to the sbatch command


sbatch --job-name hello-world --mem 1G --cpus-per-task 1 --time 1:00:00

Modifying the submission script


#SBATCH --job-name hello-world
#SBATCH --mem 1G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1
#SBATCH  --time 1:00:00
echo -n "This script is running on "

Submit the job and monitor its status:


$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 11785584
$ squeue -u $USER
          11785584   regular hello-wo iskander  R       0:01      1 sml-n20

Comments in shell scripts (denoted by #) are typically ignored, but there are exceptions. Schedulers like SLURM have a special comment used to denote special scheduler-specific options. Though these comments differ from scheduler to scheduler, SLURM’s special comment is #SBATCH. Anything following the #SBATCH comment is interpreted as an instruction to the scheduler. These SBATCH commands are also know as SBATCH directives.

Remember Slurm directives must be at the top of the script, below the “hash bang”. No command can come before them, nor in between them.

Resource Requests

One thing that is absolutely critical when working on an HPC system is specifying the resources required to run a job. This allows the scheduler to find the right time and place to schedule our job. As we have seen before, if you do not specify requirements, you will be stuck with default resources, which is probably not what you want.

The following are several key resource requests:

  • --time or -t : Time (wall-time) required for a job to run. The part can be omitted. default = 48 hours on the regular queue
  • --mem: Memory requested per node in MiB. Add G to specify GiB (e.g. 10G). There is also --mem-per-cpu. default = 10M
  • --nodes or -N: Number of nodes your job needs to run on. default = 1
  • --cpus-per-task or -c Number of CPUs for each task. Use this for threads/cores in single-node jobs.
  • --partition or -p: the partition in which your job is placed. default = regular
  • --ntasks or -n : Number of tasks (used for distributed processing, e.g. MPI workers). There is also --ntasks-per-node. default = 1
  • --gres: special resources such as GPUs. To specify gpus, use gpu::, for example, gres=gpu:P100:1, and you must specify the correct queue (gpuq or gpuq_large)

Note that just requesting these resources does not make your job run faster, nor does it necessarily mean that you will consume all of these resources. It only means that these are made available to you. Your job may end up using less memory, or less time, or fewer nodes than you have requested, and it will still run. It’s best if your requests accurately reflect your job’s requirements.

In summary, the main parts of a SLURM submission script

1. #! line:

This must be the first line of your SBATCH/Slurm script.


2. Resource Request:

This is to set the amount of resources required for the job.


#SBATCH --job-name=TestJob
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=500M

3. Job Steps

Specify the list of tasks to be carried out. It may include an initial load of all the modules that the project depends on to execute. For example, if you are working on a python project, you’d definitely require the python module to run your code. bash module load python echo "Start process" hostname sleep 30 python echo "End" All the next exercises will use scripts saved in the exercise folder which you should have moved to your current directory.

Exercise 3: Setting appropriate wall-time

List then run script in the batch system. What is the output? Is there an error? How to fix it?


#SBATCH -t 00:01:00 

echo -n "This script is running on "
sleep 80 # time in seconds

After 1 minute the job ends and the output is similar to this


cat slurm-11792811.out 


This script is running on Slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 11792811 ON sml-n24 CANCELLED AT 2023-05-13T20:41:10 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***

To fix it, change the script to


#SBATCH -t 00:01:20 # timeout in HH:MM

echo -n "This script is running on "
sleep 70 # time in seconds

Try running again.

Resource requests are typically binding. If you exceed them, your job will be killed.

The job was killed for exceeding the amount of resources it requested. Although this appears harsh, this is actually a feature. Strict adherence to resource requests allows the scheduler to find the best possible place for your jobs. Even more importantly, it ensures that another user cannot use more resources than they’ve been given. If another user messes up and accidentally attempts to use all of the cores or memory on a node, Slurm will either restrain their job to the requested resources or kill the job outright. Other jobs on the node will be unaffected. This means that one user cannot mess up the experience of others, the only jobs affected by a mistake in scheduling will be their own.

Exercise 4: Setting appropriate Slurm directives

List then run script in the batch system. What is the output? Is there an error? How can you fix it?


#SBATCH -t 00:01:00
#SBATCH --gres gpu:P100:1
#SBATCH  --mem 1G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1

#This is  a job that needs GPUs
echo -n "This script is running on "

When submitting to Slurm, you get an error




sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available

This is because a GPU was requested without specifying the correct GPU partition, so the regular partition was used which has no GPUs. To fix it, change the script to


#SBATCH -t 00:01:00
#SBATCH -p gpuq
#SBATCH --gres gpu:P100:1
#SBATCH  --mem 1G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1

#This is  a job that needs GPUs
echo -n "This script is running on "

Try running again.

Exercise 5

Make alignment job ( work.

Add the correct Slurm directives to the start of the script


#SBATCH --job-name=Bowtie-test.Slurm
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH -t 0:15:00
#SBATCH --mem 20G

Exercise 6: Run again and monitor progress on the node .

Run again and monitor progress on the node. You can do this by sshing to the node and running top.

  • Run the job
  • Get which node it is running on from squeue -u $USER
  • ssh into the node
  • use top -u $USER

We can have a live-demo on how to monitor a running job on the compute node, using top, iotop and nvtop for GPU nodes

Cancelling a Job

Sometimes we’ll make a mistake and need to cancel a job. This can be done with the scancel command. Let’s submit a job and then cancel it using its job number.


Submitted batch job 11785772
$ squeue -u $USER
          11785772   regular example- iskander  R       0:10      1 sml-n20
$ scancel 11785772
$ squeue -u $USER

We can also cancel all of our jobs at once using the -u option. This will delete all jobs for a specific user (in this case, yourself). Note that you can only delete your own jobs.

Try submitting multiple jobs and then cancelling them all.

Exercise 7: Submit multiple jobs and then cancel them all.



Check what you have in the queue


squeue -u $USER


          11792908   regular iskander  R       0:13      1 sml-n23
          11792909   regular iskander  R       0:13      1 sml-n23
          11792906   regular iskander  R       0:16      1 sml-n23
          11792907   regular iskander  R       0:16      1 sml-n23

Cancel the jobs


$ scancel -u $USER

Recheck the queue


$ squeue -u $USER

And the queue is empty.

You can check how busy the queue is through the Milton dashboards

Slurm Event notification

You can use --mail-type and --mail-user to set SLURM to send you emails when certain events occurs, e.g. BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL


#SBATCH --mail-type BEGIN
#SBATCH --mail-user

Adding the above two lines to a submission script will make Slurm send me an email when my job starts running.

Slurm Output files

By default both standard output and standard error are directed to a file of the name “slurm-%j.out”, where the “%j” is replaced with the job id. The file will be saved in the submission directory as we saw before. You can choose where the output files is saved and also separate standard output from standard error using --output and --error

  • --output can be used to change the standard output filename and location.
  • --error can be used to specify where the standard output file shall be saved. If not specified, it will be directed to the standard output file.

In the file names you can use:

  • %j for job id
  • %N for host name
  • %u for user name
  • %x for job name

For example, running the following

sbatch --error=/vast/scratch/users/%u/slurm%j_%N_%x.err --output=/vast/scratch/users/%u/slurm%j_%N_%x.out will write error to and output to in the directory /vast/scratch/users/<username>, i.e. the following will be created:

  • a standard output file /vast/scratch/users/iskander.j/ and
  • an error files /vast/scratch/users/iskander.j/

Bonus QoS and preemption

Before we move to our next lesson, let’s breiflt talk about the bonus QoS. We have discussed before the limits of each partition. So what if you have run many jobs and hit the limit on the regular partition but when you look at the dashboards you observe that there are still free resources that can be used?

Can you make use of them as long as no one else needs them? Yes you can!

You can use --qos=bonus.

This will run your job in a preemptive mode, which means other users can terminate your job, if Slurm couldn’t find other resources for their jobs and they are using the normal QoS.

This is useful for jobs that can be resumed or restart is not an issue.

Key Points

  • sbatch is used to submit the job
  • squeue is used to list jobs in the Slurm queue
    • passing the -u <username> option will show jobs for just that user.
  • sacct is used to show job details
  • #SBATCH directives are used in submission scripts to set Slurm directives
  • Setting up job resources is a challenge and you might not get the first time

Content from Evaluating Jobs

Last updated on 2023-05-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 22 minutes



  • How to evaluate a completed job?
  • How to set event notification for your jobs?


  • Explain Slurm environment variables.
  • Demonstrate how to evaluate jobs and make use of multiple threads options.

Evaluating your Job

After a job has completed, you will need to evaluate how efficient it was, if it ran successfully, or investigate why it failed.

The seff command provides a summary of any job.


seff <jobid>

Exercise 1: Run and evaluate . is similar to with only the bowtie2 command. Try submitting it. Is there an error? How to fix it?

And after it completed successfully, evaluate the job.

The jobs completes fast but not successfully


seff 11793501


Job ID: 11793501
Cluster: milton
User/Group: iskander.j/allstaff
State: OUT_OF_MEMORY (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 2
CPU Utilized: 00:00:01
CPU Efficiency: 50.00% of 00:00:02 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:01
Memory Utilized: 0.00 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 20.00 MB (10.00 MB/core)

Also, checking output


cat Slurm-11793501.out


.........................<other output>
slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom_kill event in StepId=11793501.batch. Some of the step tasks have been OOM Killed.

This shows that the job was “OOM Killed”. OOM is an abbreviation of Out Of Memory, meaning the memory requested was not enough, increase memory and try again until job finishes successfully.


#SBATCH --job-name=Bowtie-test.Slurm
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH -t 0:15:00
#SBATCH --mem 1G

Exercise 2: Run and evaluate .

Now that the job works fine can we make it faster.

Investigate whether bowtie2 can make use of multiple threads to accelerate run. Some tools does.


bowtie2 --help

Indeed bowtie, has a -p option that specifies number of threads to use. Update the script to use 6 threads and also increase cpus-per-tasks to reflect the increase in threads.

Slurm Environment Variables

Slurm passes information about the running job e.g what its working directory, or what nodes were allocated for it, to the job via environmental variables. In addition to being available to your job, these are also used by programs to set options like number of threads to run based on the cpus available.

The following is a list of commonly used variables that are set by Slurm for each job

  • $SLURM_JOBID: Job id
  • $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR: Submission directory
  • $SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST: Host submitted from
  • $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST: list of nodes where cores are allocated
  • $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK: number of cores per task allocated
  • $SLURM_NTASKS: number of tasks assigned to job

Exercise 3: Run

Can we make use on of Slurm environment variables in

use $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK with -p option instead of setting a number.

Key Points

  • Use seff to evaluate completed jobs
  • Slurm Environment variables are handy to use in your script

Content from Break

Last updated on 2023-05-15 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 0 minutes

Take a 30-minutes break. If you can, move around and look at something away from your screen to give your eyes a rest.

Content from Slurm Commands

Last updated on 2023-05-15 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 22 minutes



  • How to use Slurm commands?


  • Explain how to use the other Slurm commands?
  • Demonstrate different options for Slurm commands like squeue and sinfo.

Slurm Commands Summary

Command Action
sbatch <script> Submit a batch script
sacct Display job details (accounting data)
sacctmgr View account information
squeue View information of jobs currently in queue
squeue -j <jobid> Get specific job details, job should be in the queue
squeue -u <userid> Get all queued job details for specified user
scancel <jobid> Cancel job
sinfo View information about nodes and partitions
sinfo -N View list of nodes
sinfo -s Provides nodes’ state information in each partitions
sinfo -p <partition> Provides nodes’ state information in the specified partition
scontrol show job <jobid> View detailed job information
scontrol show partition <partition> View detailed partition information

Exercise 1: sinfo with options

What output does the following command produce?


sinfo -p gpuq -s

Provides summary information of only the specified partition


gpuq         up 2-00:00:00        2/10/0/12 gpu-a30-n[01-07],gpu-p100-n[01-05]

Exercise 2: sinfo with options

What output does the following command produce?


sinfo -p gpuq -n sml-n02

Is there something missing in the output? How can we fix it?

Provides information of the specified node in the specified partition


gpuq         up 2-00:00:00      0    n/a

The results says that node is not available, this is because there is no node called sml-n02 in the regular partition. To fix it, we can either change the partition to regular or the node to something like gpu-a30-n01


sinfo -p regular -n sml-n02


regular*     up 2-00:00:00      1    mix sml-n02

Exercise 3: squeue with formatting option.

What output does the following command produce? Hint: check man squeue


squeue --format "%.18i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.6C %.13l %.7D %.14r %.12m %.18N %.8Q"


11774748      gpuq    guppy    luo.q  PENDING       0:00     20    2-00:00:00       1 QOSMaxNodePerU         400G                        2060
11774747      gpuq    guppy    luo.q  PENDING       0:00     20    2-00:00:00       1 QOSMaxNodePerU         400G                        2060
11774746      gpuq    guppy    luo.q  PENDING       0:00     20    2-00:00:00       1 QOSMaxNodePerU         400G                        2060
11774744      gpuq    guppy    luo.q  RUNNING 1-05:28:48     20    2-00:00:00       1           None         400G        gpu-a30-n01     1366
11774745      gpuq    guppy    luo.q  RUNNING 1-05:41:49     20    2-00:00:00       1           None         400G        gpu-a30-n03     1360

Exercise 4: sinfo with formatting option.

What output does the following command produce? Hint: you’ll want to check the man page again!


sinfo --Node --Format "NodeList:21,Partition:11,StateLong:.11,CPUS:.5,Memory:.9,AllocMem:.9,Features:.20,CpusState:.14,GresUsed:.15"


cl-n01               bigmem            idle  192  3093716        0   Cooperlake,AVX512   0/192/0/192          gpu:0
gpu-a10-n01          gpuq_intera       idle   48   256215        0GPU,Icelake,A10,AVX5     0/48/0/48.     gpu:A10:0
gpu-a30-n01          gpuq             mixed   96   511362   409600GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5    20/76/0/96.     gpu:A30:1
gpu-a30-n02          gpuq              idle   96   511362        0GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5     0/96/0/96.     gpu:A30:0
gpu-a30-n03          gpuq             mixed   96   511362   409600GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5    20/76/0/96.     gpu:A30:0
gpu-a30-n05          gpuq              idle   96   511362        0GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5     0/96/0/96      gpu:A30:0
gpu-a30-n06          gpuq              idle   96   511362        0GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5     0/96/0/96.     gpu:A30:0
gpu-a30-n07          gpuq              idle   96   511362        0GPU,Icelake,A30,AVX5     0/96/0/96.     gpu:A30:0
gpu-a100-n01         gpuq_large       mixed   96  1027457   819200GPU,Icelake,A100,AVX     2/94/0/96.     gpu:A100:1
gpu-a100-n02         gpuq_large       mixed   96  1027457   819200GPU,Icelake,A100,AVX     2/94/0/96.     gpu:A100:1
gpu-a100-n03         gpuq_large       mixed   96  1027457   819200GPU,Icelake,A100,AVX     2/94/0/96.     gpu:A100:1

Key Points

  • Slurm commands are handy to view information about queued jobs, nodes and partitions
  • You will commonly use sbatch, squeue, salloc, sinfo and sacct

Content from Interactive Slurm Jobs

Last updated on 2023-05-15 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 10 minutes



  • How to start and exit an interactive Slurm job?


  • Explain how to use salloc to run interactive jobs

Interactive jobs

Up to this point, we’ve focused on running jobs in batch mode. There are frequently tasks that need to be done interactively. Creating an entire job script might be overkill, but the amount of resources required is too much for a login node to handle. To solve this, Slurm provides the ability to start an interactive session.

Interactive sessions are commonly used for:

  • Data management, eg. organising files, truncation and recall of files, downloading datasets.
  • Software/workflow preparation/testing, eg. developing/debugging scripts, downloading/building software.
  • Interactive data analysis.
  • Rapid analysis cycles.
  • Running n application with a GUI.

On Milton, you can easily start an interactive job with salloc.


salloc --time 1:00:00 --cpus-per-task 1 --mem 1G  -p interactive
salloc command example
salloc command example

You will be presented with a bash prompt. Note that the prompt will change to reflect your new location (sml-n02 in the example), which is the compute node we are logged onto. You can also verify this with hostname.

Remember that, you may have to wait for resources, depending on the status of the queue you are requesting. We have designed the interactive partition to provide high availability, but only one job per user.

The interactive job will be cancelled and removed from the queue, if your terminal session is terminated or closed, and/or internet connection is lost (connection with the slurm node lost). It is recommended to use screen or tmux

When you have finished your task, please remember to close the session using exit or Ctrl-D.

You can also cancel the session using scancel.

If you need more resources you can run interactive sessions in the other partitions.

These instructions are specific Milton!

salloc is setup slightly differently to its default behaviour. Not all HPC facilities have Slurm to start interactive jobs like in Milton! Be aware of this when using the command at other facilities.

Creating remote graphics

To see graphical output inside your jobs, you need to use X11 forwarding. To connect with this feature enabled, use the -Y option when you login to the login nodes or vc7-shared.

ssh -Y vc7-shared

To use it in an interactive session add it to --x11 to your salloc command


salloc --time 1:00:00 --cpus-per-task 1 --mem 1G  -p interactive --x11


salloc: Pending job allocation 11803274
salloc: job 11803274 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 11803274 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 11803274
salloc: Nodes sml-n03 are ready for job


module load relion


Loading Relion 3.1.3 using CUDA 11.2
Using MotionCor2 1.5.0 at /stornext/System/data/nvidia/motioncor2/motioncor2-1.5.0cu11.2/bin/motioncor2
No matching version of Gctf exists for CUDA 11.2
Using CTFFIND 4.1.14 at /stornext/System/data/nvidia/ctffind/ctffind-4.1.14/bin/ctffind

        WARNING: verify that the area where Relion will be used
        is not over its storage quota. If Relion is unable to write
        files this might cause severe corruption in the Relion
        pipeline star files.

Loading relion/3.1.3-cu11.2
  Loading requirement: cuda/11.2 mpich-slurm/3.4.2



We will now have a live demo for more interactive options on Milton.

Key Points

  • Use salloc to start a new interactive Slurm job on Milton.
  • Use --x11 with salloc to run remote graphics in your interactive job.